Criminal Intelligence Section
This section reports to the Investigative Support Inspector of the Criminal Investigations Division. It is responsible for providing support to SPS sections and their members or other police agencies.
Many of the units within this section are integrated with the RCMP.
Special Investigations Unit (SIU)

The Special Investigations Unit is dedicated to assisting other units and agencies, upon request, with their investigations of major files.
Integrated Intelligence Unit
The Integrated Intelligence Unit is a combination of SPS and RCMP members. It is responsible to gather information on organized groups, known or suspected criminals involved in criminal activities. Tactical Analysts are imbedded in the Integrated Intelligence Unit to assist all of the Criminal Investigations Division with the gathering, corroboration and dissemination of information.
Technological Crime Unit

Cybercrime and cybersecurity incidents are occurring more and more frequently, and the numbers are growing at a phenomenal pace. The variety and number of technological devices available and the number of people connected to networks are continuing to increase, which means there is digital evidence available or associated to almost every criminal investigation.
The Technological Crime Unit responds to requests for support from all officers, investigating all types of crime in regards to their digital forensics and cybercrime needs.
Digital forensics is the preservation, extraction, isolation, analysis and reporting of digital evidence as it resides on devices and networks. The unit conducts forensic examinations of computers, mobile and iOT devices, along with other peripherals that may contain evidence related to criminal investigations.
Cybercrime support focuses on open-source intelligence and the identification, capture and preservation of digital evidence as related to criminal investigations.