Investigative Services Division

The Investigative Services Division is responsible for initiating investigations into criminal activity and providing investigative support to the Patrol Division when required. The priorities for Investigative Services focus on serious or repetitive criminal activity which often requires detailed follow up by experienced investigators.
The members of the Investigative Services Division are responsible for investigating crimes such as homicides, sudden deaths, robberies, sexual assaults, serious assaults, child abuse, break and enters, stolen vehicles, frauds, and other incidents requiring specialized expertise or extensive follow-up investigation.
Investigators take a strategic approach toward crime by identifying and addressing factors contributing to criminal behavior and ensuring continuous communication between investigators and other areas of the Service, and the police community. Investigative teams often take a strategic approach targeting specific high risk individuals, known offenders, and criminal groups by initiating a focused approach to prevent or interrupt identified criminal activity. Our investigative personnel receive extensive training at the Canadian Police College, Saskatchewan Police College, and at many other venues that offer specialized investigative training.