Seizure Of Fentanyl Pills

The Saskatoon Police Service Drug Unit, with the assistance of other investigative units, have made a significant seizure of illegally manufactured fentanyl pills.

On March 12, 2025, investigators seized 1,814 pills that have presumptively tested positive for fentanyl. Samples have been sent to Health Canada for confirmatory analysis. The seizure of these pills confirms that drugs are appearing in different forms (i.e. pressed and powder), and the public is reminded that any drug not prescribed by a doctor and dispensed by a pharmacist can result in serious injury or death.

Members of the public are also reminded of the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act which serves to provide some legal protection for individuals who experience or witness an overdose and seek emergency help. Symptoms of an overdose may include but are not limited to: slow or no breathing; gurgling, gasping or snoring; clammy and cool skin; blue lips or nails; and difficulty waking up or staying awake. If you suspect someone may have experienced an overdose, call 9-1-1 immediately.

A photo of the seized fentanyl pills is attached.

Anyone with information on illegal drugs in our community is asked to contact Saskatoon Police at 306-975-8300 or, if you wish to remain anonymous, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

(Occurrence Number: 25-32975)
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