CEW Deployment - Minto Place

A Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW) was deployed early evening on the 3rd August 2019 when a male unlawfully confined several people while armed with an edged weapon, fled on foot pursued by police and then became aggressive and combative with police when he was arrested.

Approximately 5:50pm on the 3rd August 2019 the male suspect entered a home on Minto Place armed with an edged weapon where he threatened several occupants and keep them confined. Upon seeing the arrival of the police, the suspect fled on foot pursued by officers. When cornered by police in a back yard, officers attempted to place him under arrest. While resisting officers attempts to gain control of him it appeared he was reaching for his edged weapon and at that point a CEW was discharged once, with immediate effect and the officers were able to safely handcuff and secure the suspect. Fortunately no one, including the suspect were injured.

The 34 year old suspect was transported to police cells to appear in front of a Justice of the Peace on the morning of Sunday 4th August 2019. He is facing charges of Robbery, Assault with a weapon, 5 counts of Unlawful Confinement as well as breaches of several of his court ordered conditions.

As with all CEW deployments, this incident will be reviewed in accordance with policy.

(Occurrence Number: 19-81257)