School Zones Back In Effect

Tuesday, September 3rd is the first day back to school for many students in Saskatoon. The Saskatoon Police Traffic Unit would like to take this opportunity to remind motorists that school zone rules are back in effect Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM.

3 simple rules for safer school zones:

  1. Slow to 30 km/h
  2. Do not make a u-turn within a school zone
  3. Obey parking restrictions around schools

During the 2018-19 school year, police issued 2,305 Summary Offence Tickets for school zone speeding offences and 354 for making a u-turn in a school zone.

The Traffic Unit will be conducting a 2-day campaign in multiple school zones across the city to ensure drivers are complying with these rules. The unit also conducts enforcement on a daily basis in school zones throughout the school year.

As an example, a motorist caught at 20 km/h over the speed limit in a school zone faces a fine of $310. A U-turn within a school zone is punishable by a fine of $90.

In addition to enforcement on Sept 3rd, the Traffic Unit will be available to the media in front of Ernest Lindner School at the intersection of Hampton Circle & Denham Crescent from 7 AM to 9 AM. Members of the Traffic Unit and school board officials will be available for comment.