Public Advisory - Robocall Phone Scam

October 22, 2019 3:59 PM

The Saskatoon Police has continued to receive complaints, over 100,  from the community regarding a phone scam since earlier this morning.

Complainants have reported being contacted by a robocall phone message claiming that they have “violated federal laws.” It claims that they have the complainant's Social Insurance Number.

Police wish to advise the public to hang up and not follow the directions of this robocall. 

As a point of clarification to our previous media release, if anyone has received similar communication and has become a victim by either providing personal information or by sending money, they are encouraged to file an online report with both the Saskatoon Police Service and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Agency.   


The Saskatoon Police have received over 60 complaints from the community regarding a phone scam since earlier this morning.

Complainants have reported being contacted by a robocall phone message claiming that they have “violated federal laws.” It claims that they have the complainant's Social Insurance Number.

Police wish to advise the public to hang up, not follow the directions of this robocall and report it to Police.

If anyone has received similar communication, they are encouraged to file an online report with both the Saskatoon Police Service and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Agency.