Wanted by Police
If you have information about the whereabouts of any of these wanted persons, please call 306-975-8300 or Submit a Crime Stoppers TIP.
View Canada’s Most Wanted on the BOLO Program website.
View more of Saskatoon's Most Wanted at Crime Stoppers
View Canada’s Most Wanted on the BOLO Program website.
View more of Saskatoon's Most Wanted at Crime Stoppers

Jonathan OUELLET-GENDRON - Wanted for First Degree Murder

Timloh Butchang NKEM - Wanted for Sexual Assault and Failing to Attend Court for Sentencing

Everett Joseph DESJARLAIS - Wanted for: Firearm/Weapon Offences X 5, Aggravated Assault, Possession Over $5000.

Toni PETE - Wanted for : Assault Causing Bodily harm

Francisco GUEVARA DUTARI - Wanted for: Assault Causing Bodily Harm

Axl-Rose ORACION-SARMIENTO Wanted for: Numerous Firearms offenses, Possession Tobacco - Trafficking, Possession Controlled Substance, Possession Purpose - Trafficking, Proceeds of Crime

Rocky WEENONIS - Wanted for: Carry Dangerous Weapon X 4, Assault with Weapon, Carry Concealed Weapon X 3, Possess Prohibited Weapon- No License, Possess Prohibited Weapon while Prohibited, Obstruct Peace Officer, Fail to Comply with Release Order (SOIRA).

Jeffrey TKATCHUK Wanted for: Breach of Statutory Release- CANADA WIDE, Commit Offence for Criminal Organization, Conspire to Commit X 3, Attempt Obstruct Justice, Possession Drug/Substance for Purpose of Trafficking (CDSA)

Garrison MOYAH - Wanted for: Sexual Assault

Tyler HAMEL - Wanted for: Fail to comply with SOIRA

Victoria PRINCE - Wanted for: Possession for Purpose of Trafficking X 2 (CDSA), Fail to Comply with Release Order.

Patrick YIKA - Wanted for: Wanted for: Trafficking (CDSA), Proceeds of Crime

Ernest JIMMY - Wanted for: Fail to Comply with SOIRA

Gilbert ADAM - Wanted for: Sexual Assault